by luciegiffen7273 | Apr 3, 2023 | Business, Customer Service
When Teagan Richards shared a snap of her $25 Kmart hack to a group she never expected to reach so many grateful parents.The mum-of-three’s youngest son Logan, seven months, was diagnosed with life-threatening disease cystic fibrosis and recently needed to be...
by kaceytaul6 | Apr 2, 2023 | Business, Customer Service
Two weeks ago, Nicola Bulley dropped her children off at school, took the family dog for a walk and disappeared.In the following days, eVDeN EVe naKLiYat the neighbourhood has been besieged by amateur detectives, podcasters, influencers and dozens of complete idiots...
by zaki3864964957 | Mar 30, 2023 | Business, Customer Service
During the pandemic, delivery drivers became heroes overnight.They rendered it unnecessary to venture outside to the Co-op, where the shop assistant, shielded from you by a huge Perspex screen, would then lick her fingers to open your carrier bag.In the darkest depths...
by romainedelprat6 | Mar 25, 2023 | Business, Customer Service
owes California $600,000 in taxes and has received three notices about unpaid fees in two years, documents revealed. Disgraced rapper West, evdEn EVe NAkliyAt 45, was first received a tax lien notice in July 2021 and another one in September 2022 linked to his...
by kobyxzd669 | Mar 24, 2023 | Business, Customer Service
A student took matters into her own hands when her Ford Fiesta was stolen from outside her home – by using an Apple AirTag to track it down herself and documenting the journey on . Zoë Pettit, 22, was horrified when she woke up for an early gym session and...
by marcusbellino8 | Mar 23, 2023 | Business, Customer Service
Australian influencers have been put on notice by the Australian Taxation Office as a crackdown on undeclared luxury gifts gets under way.The ATO said it will use a sophisticated set of ‘data matching’ technologies to weed-out influencers who are failing...